Tuesday, May 24, 2011

On my mind, but not too deeply...

I've been having a bit more quiet time lately.  Not because the kids are quiet, of course.  Having pushed their bed time back by half an hour, if anything they are a bit more noisy and hyper than usual.  But on Friday and Saturday nights, I didn't turn on the telly or listen to music at all.  Like a good little Relief Society teacher, I was preparing my lesson (it went quite well, thanks).

I really enjoyed the peace and quiet, and I've resolved to have more telly-free time in the future.  Maybe just 1 night a week or something, since I AM at home on my own 4 nights a week.

Anyway, this extra quiet time has given me some good thinking time, and here's what's been on my mind lately:

It really pisses me off that people think Martin is gay.  Ok, so I (and my posse of gay friends) thought he was gay when we first met.  To be honest, that's probably what attracted me to him in the first place.  In the grand tradition of "damaged" women everywhere, I used to be hopelessly drawn to emotionally unavailable men.  I've often wondered how many guys I made out wi--erm, kissed who actually turned out to be gay.  I can think of at least two that I know of for sure.  But anyway, I digress.  I'm totally ok with people thinking Martin is gay--until they find out he's got a wife and two kids.  Also, it's especially not ok to continue thinking he's playing for the other team once they've met me.  That's so incredibly insulting to me.  Yes, Pete.  I'm talking to you, man!

Watching Edith growing up is so bittersweet.  She gets more and more beautiful, and I just keep getting older.  50% of her looks came from me.  Sometimes I wish I could have kept them.  I get a little bit jealous.  It's only going to get worse as she gets older, because when she's 15 I'll be 45 (oh boy, pushing 50.  It's looming).  She'll be peaking and I'll be troughing at the same time.  Why oh why couldn't I have had another son?  It's a good thing I love her so much...

I love gardening in England.  Seriously you don't normally even need to water anything.  But it took me a while to figure out which were weeds and which were flowers--totally different weeds here than in Utah.  Except for dandelions. Those seem to be universal.

The new car is so fantastic!  It's such a treat to drive, and it's nice to be able to drive somewhere with confidence that the car isn't going to break down or fall apart.  I need to get some new shades to wear when I drive.  It's kind of funny, really.  Martin and I now fight over whose turn it is to drive.

And that's what's on my mind right now.

See, I told you it wasn't too deep.

Pictures of our weekend activities to follow.

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