Friday, March 14, 2014

Working nine to five...

I'm at work right now.

How weird to be saying that, after nearly 7 years of no job outside the home!

I got a job at a local garage, Beck Hill Motors. It's just part time, working from 9am to 4:30pm every Thursday and Friday. Today is my second day.

The people are all very nice. I've not had any irate customers to deal with yet. The work is not hard, though there is obviously a learning curve and I'm a bit nervous about screwing something up. But yeah, it's pretty ok.

Martin is so thrilled that I have a job now, and I'm happy about that. But it changes everything about the way my life has been for the past 6+ years. Something about going to work outside of my home feels like a betrayal to my children and my ideals. I am a little bit emotional about the situation. In fact, I totally cried about it last night. I'm almost crying about it right now.

But it's extra money in the bank and two days a week out of the house and talking to grown ups, whether I want to or not. And, most importantly, it's a happy husband. If Martin is better for it, I'm willing to do it. Whether I like it or not. Because, to be fair, he's done it for me since Dylan was born. It feels like the least I can do.

In other news, watch this space for a photo project I am currently working on. It's going to be titled "30 days of bed-head." Yes, I AM taking a selfie every morning when I get out of bed to document the awesomeness that is my hair first thing in the morning :)

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