Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Another Thanksgiving, another year in England.

This year, I didn't try to make my UK family celebrate it on the day with me. I was working, and my book club ladies were supposed to be coming over in the evening, so I decided to schedule our Thanksgiving celebration for Sunday evening. Easier for everybody, really.

So my Thanksgiving was spent at Beck Hill Motors, and our evening meal was vegetarian chili. Though I did treat myself to some Haagen Daz (pralines n cream. Divine!). And tomorrow I will be baking and peeling like crazy. It's going to be fun.

I didn't really reflect on my blessings and the many things I am grateful for. Instead, I was a giant stressball and my kids were being very unhelpful. So I told them off and made Dylan cry. But, in my defense, he WAS embarrassing me in front of company, and I absolutely WAS disappointed in him. It goes for both of them, but more so for Dylan. He's older, and I expect better.

But tonight is movie night, and I think we are all looking forward to snuggles and popcorn. Oh, and an extremely easy dinner of chicken nuggets and oven chips. Plus, I have decided that I'm not going to bother cleaning the house until they go to bed. It's how I used to do the housework when they were little, and I can still do it now. I don't like it, but it's ok. It will probably make me less likely to make my kids cry. And I can listen to any music I want once they are in bed--no stressing about any swear words!

Anyway, time to make my grocery shopping list. Let the Thanksgiving day preparations begin!

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