Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Lady of Leisure...

That's me, by the way. It's 9:52 am and I am still in bed. Of course, I am on line and searching for jobs, but that's beside the point. It's the fact that it's nearly 10 and I haven't left my bedroom yet that is so great!

I actually do have a busy day today. I am researching massage therapy courses, looking for a job, working out in the garden, cleaning the house, and picking Martin up from work to do our grocery shopping for the week. Plus, if I get a chance I am going to do some work on the guest room. I should ahve more than enough stuff to keep me busy.

I had a couple of good conversations with the dads in my life on Sunday. The Cook family are doing fine, and it is always so wonderful to talk to them. I also called Doug, my "natural" father, and he's not doing so well. His dad, my grandpa Bowcutt, passed away recently. And his wife, Rae, has been diagnosed with dementia. He's pretty down about the whole thing, but is taking it one day at a time and managing.

It hardly seems fair to spend a whole lifetime collecting those memories only to have them so cruelly ripped away through no fault of your own. You know that your body is going to decline as you get older--everybody's does. But you sort of expect to keep the memories of the good times fresh.

On a happier note--we had the missionaries over for dinner last night, and it was a good time. Elder Diatel was transferred, and the new guy is Elder Larsen. He's from Vegas, and this is only his second area. He's been in England about 3 months. I made them Mexican food, which both of them really appreciated. It's hard to find the ingredients here, but we manage the best we can. I made home-made tortillas!

Anyway, I realy need to get out of bed now. I actually don't like feeling lazy, and I really do right now. Daylight is wasting, and I have weeds to pull, flowers to plant, and dishes to wash. Maybe I'll take some more pictures of the progress on the house today. Maybe!

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