Saturday, September 02, 2006

I'm STILL Working!

So my last day at Hewden was supposed to be last Friday, but I got a call from the agency on Tuesday morning because Alison wanted me to go back. So I will have work for another few weeks anyway. Martin was really happy. I only spent one day--not even that--unemployed this time. And it was nice to be asked back. In the mean time, I'm applying for more jobs. Wish me luck!

Today is going to be a busy day for Martin. He's at work right now--actually went in 1 1/2 hours early so he could get everything done. I'm going to go work in the back garden for a few hours. Martin's football team have a game in Grimsby this afternoon, so we'll go in to that. Then we are going to come home and work on the house until we can't see. Should be a good day with lots being accomplished (I hope). We haven't got much done on the house lately!

The visit from the conservation department was good--they're not going to prosecute us for doing unauthorised work. We just have to apply for retrospective consent on the walls we already knocked down and get consent for the one we want to build. The guys were actually quite nice about the whole thing. I'm just happy we're not looking at a huge fine or jail time!!!

I do get sick of the way the government meddles in all of your business over here. I have this theory that the British government is turning all of its' citizens into children because they keep making all of their decisions for them. Soon, the adults in this country will be completely unable to think for themselves, simply because they never have to. This theory may have popped up because I am reading Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" right now, or it could stem from the discussion I had with Lewis Munday about the children of Israel last night. Still, I think it's a good theory. You spend too long letting someone else tell you what to do all the time, pretty soon you'll wake up and realise you can't function without constant guidance. Use it or lose it, you know?

The massage course starts on Wednesday, and I'm really looking forward to it. There's a day spa opening just down the road from us, and I think I might be able to get a job there when I'm done with my course. I may even be able to get a job at reception there while I'm still doing the course. That would be nice--I could walk to work in 5 minutes instead of driving there in 25.

The driving lessons are on hold as my pervy instructor is on holiday. He said that I am ready for my test though--we are going to have a few lessons in Scunthorpe, where the test is administered, when he gets back. I have applied for my provisional license, and I need to take my theory test. Soon, I will have a full English driving license!

Martin has been doing really well with the football thing--they have yet to lose a game. He's getting on well at work, and has applied for a promotion again. It's frustrating, because they won't promote him, but they treat him like he's already an assistant manager. He didn't get home until 8 pm last night! But I have faith--he'll get the job when the time is right.

Still on the "I love England" kick. We have been here for a full year now (it was a year on Tuesday), and I have seen the seasons come full circle. Everything is so full and lush right now. The hedge rows are full of berries and fruit, and everywhere you look something is ripe and red. I have taken a series of photos that I will be printing and hanging in our house--all different sorts of berries. I like England in late summer. But spring is still more beautiful.

I met some really nice people, Pat and Brian, the other night while I was out walking at Water's Edge. We were all down there feeding the ducks. It was nice to chat with a few friendly people because it very rarely happens. I'll probably see them again, since they said they feed the ducks about 4 times a day.

That's life for the Gilberts right now. More later!

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