Friday, June 03, 2011

A happy reunion...

The kids just spent about 50 hours with their grandparents.  It's the longest I've ever been away from them, with the exception of when I was in the hospital to have Edith (though she was actually with me the whole time, so it doesn't really count).

They spent two nights in the caravan (that's a trailer for all you Yanks out there) up in Yorkshire, and had a wonderful time.  Martin and I spent two days working on the house.  He built cabinet doors and I cleared out every single junk space in the house.  It was seriously exhausting, but so good to actually get stuff done.  Plus, we got to go see the new X-Men movie and spend time together, which is always nice.

Having kid-free time was a real treat, but I must admit that I was, as always, blown away by the realization of how selfish and self-indulgent our lives were before we had children.  Sometimes I miss that life.  But most of the time, I miss them when they are gone.

I got the best cuddles EVER when they finally got home at about 1pm.  Apparently, they had been asking for me.  But they had a good time.  They went to the beach, had icecream, went for walks, fed the ducks, played croquet and boules, slept together in the big bed in the caravan, and ate all their meals at a special table just for them.

So the house is completely clean, the laundry is all caught up, and we took two car loads of stuff to the local charity shop. 

Hooray for life laundry.

And hooray for having my kids back at home where they belong.

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