Saturday, May 20, 2006

Last post for a while--for real this time!

I am currently sitting in my mostly empty and nearly spotless Hogpenny Cottage. Martin and the missionaries are unloading a van ful of furniture at the new place. We've got one more load of bits and pieces, and then comes the fun job of unpacking everything again. I'm exhausted!

The move has been pretty good so far. We only got about 5 hours of sleep last night since we stayed up so late packing and we had to get up early to do some more, but all things considered we're holding up really well. The Elders have helped a lot, and I had a few sisters from church come and help me clean the kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms. Now I've just got the living room to finish off, which I can't do until the rest of the stuff is loaded. I'm curious how much work we'll have to do at Fleetgate. I haven't been in there for about 4 weeks, and a lot can change in that amount of time.

Surprisingly enough, I am not sad at all to be leaving this place. Every other time we've moved, I've had mixed feelings about it. Hogpenny Cottage has been our home for the past 6 months, and there's not even a twinge of sadness today. It's been a long, cold, wet winter for us. Everything we own gets moldy and smells strange. We've had to leave our coats on in the house and wear hats and scarves. The neighbors are not friendly, we've had our car window smashed and our padlock on the gate stolen. I am so excited to move into our own house!

I think one of the main things that makes it easier is that we will still be going to the same church. I adore the people in our ward. Some of them are narrow minded, and some of them are downright strange, but they are starting to feel like family. It's nice to have some family here in England!

Anyway, I just got a call from Martin. They're on their way back now, so I need to get a few odds and ends taken care of . I'll try to post as often as I can, but our phone won't be hooked up for at least 2 weeks. If anyone needs to get in touch with us, call Martin's parents. Mom and dad should have the number still!

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