Friday, July 21, 2006

Only a Dream...

I had this horible dream last night. Martin and I were flying home to visit family in Utah, and our plane had electrical problems. The plane started going down in a burning mass of stwisted steel and melted plastics. But we managed to get out together, and for some reason we had parachutes. They opened, but I knew that if we didn't stay together we would lose each other. So we grabbed on to eath others' parachute straps, and we managed to land in a fountain inside the airport.

So here we were, in the airport, and absolutely terrified about getting on another plane. But we were only halfway there, and so we knew we'd have to do it again.

I spent most of the dream trying to come home, and it was scary and almost impossible. I woke up and just wanted to cry. I don't want to be scared about coming home.

Martin called me from work yesterday and told me that Arch, a guy that worked for Enterprise in Utah, is moving to England with his wife and two kids. We're pretty excited about that. They'll be living in Nottingham, but it will be nice to have other Mormons in the company. Someone to hang out with at work parties, you know? They're really nice people!

I spent most of the day yesterday baking. I made Martin some raisin filled cookies (his favorite), and we had home made steak pie for dinner. I was quite pleased with how they turned out. My oven is weird though. It bakes really hot! Either that or Martin hasn't calculated the conversion from farenheit to celsius correctly for me. It's a fan assisted oven, which I hate. I burn nearly everything, but yesterday I only burned a few cookies! The steak pie was delicious, and we took some cookies to choir practice, and they were gobbled up immediately!

Tomorrow should be fun. We are tearing the ceiling out in the front room. We also found out that one of the guys at church is an electrician, and we are hoping he'll help us with the wiring downstairs. fingers crossed! We hope to have the room finished by about Thanksgiving. Maybe a bit optimistic, but there's naught wrong with a bit of optimism.

I've been taking some pictures of the parks surrounding Barton, and I will try to get some of them posted this evening or this weekend at the very latest. Plus, I'll have some pictures from the BBQ we are going to tonight. Our friends Lewis and Emma are having it, and I want to get some pictures of our friends posted. Just a little proof that we HAVE friends. You've seen Lewis before--part of the demolition crew. Plus, pictures of people can be more interesting than pictures of the house and the scenery. Beautiful scenery gets old after a while, right?

Speaking of beautiful scenery, English summer is really nice. Lincolnshire is, anyway. It's primarily an agricultural area, and there are a lot of wheat fields. Everything is lovely and golden right now. A lot of the farmers are making hay right now, too, and it smells fantastic! It's a little bit too warm some days, and incredibly humid, but we had a nice mist the last few days which cooled it off quite a bit. I always forget how close we are to the water until I go for a run. It's only about 1/4 to 1/2 mile to the waters' edge.

Anyway, must get on with my day. I promise, pictures next time!

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