Saturday, October 21, 2006

Almost Legal...

I am almost legal to drive over in England now. As long as Martin is with me, I AM legal. I got my provisional driving license in the mail on Thursday. Quite a relief, as I had to send my passport away with the forms in order to get it. I don't like to leave the house without my passport, so having it in bureaucratic hands for 4 weeks was a little bit nerve wracking. Martin is so happy that I am almost legal! I have another two lessons to take, and I'll be doing those on the 4th and the 11th of November. Then I just have to pass the test. I'm not worried though--should be just fine. I am an excellent driver!

Things are good in old Blighty. The weather has officially turned nasty, and we are only getting about 7 1/2 hours of sunlight a day now. I'm afraid winter is upon us. But, uncharacteristically for the area, it rained all week long and now that the weekend is here, the sun is out. Usually happens the other way around. Martin is playing footie in Holton-le-Clay, and I am going to drive down with him and sit outside working on my course work for the massage thing.

Yeah, massage. The class is going well. We had our first test in Anatomy and Physiology last week, and I'm pretty sure I aced it. I hadn't taken a test in about 8 years, and it was kind of surreal. Everyone seemed nervous about it, and I was like, whatever--no big deal. They go SO SLOW in that class, I don't see how you could NOT pass the tests. It's interesting though--more so now that we are delving into the skeletal system. I'm learning all kinds of cool things. My new favorite part of the body is the radius where it meets the humorus. It has this cool little bit by your elbow that is shaped like a wheel, which makes it so you can actually rotate the bone in your arm. Genius, really, the way the human body all fits together. Talk about form and function blending perfectly. Except for male genitalia--that's just strange!

Still no word on the Day Spa job--they should be calling me some time in the next week to arrange a second interview. I called them late last week and they said they were running a bit behind because of construction on their new building. I'll keep everyone posted. I'd really like to get it, since my job at Hewden is over in about a week's time. I was going to apply for the full time position, but there's a new manager there and I dislike him intensely. He has a mouth like a sailor, and uses nasty language that is degrading to women. Plus he calls me "doll" and "sweetheart" and (my least favorite) "chuck." He does it to everyone, but I dont' know him well enough for him to be that familiar with me. I want to punch him in the face every time he calls me "chuck" and remind him that I DO have an actual name!

Anyway, enough negativity.

Martin and I went to the ward's James Bond night last night. It was good fun, but hard work for us. We were asked to do "mocktails" for the occasion, so we bought a whole bunch of supplies and tended bar for a large portion of the evening. About an hour and a half, all together. The drinks went over really well though, and the relief society president asked if they could get a couple of the recipes for the monthly newsletter. Plus, we got to get all dressed up. That doesn't happen very often, and Martin likes it when I do my hair and makeup at the same time!

Anyway, must go. I have tons of stuff to get done today, and I have to leave to pick Martin up for work in about 30 minutes. One of our cars, the Ford, failed it's MOT (safety inspection, basically, only a lot more strict than the US one), and so we have declared SORN (Statutory Off-Road Notification) and are down to one car now until we can afford to get it fixed. Blech!

Love and miss you all!


Your favorite little sister said...

Holy cow! Only seven and a half hours of sunlight? I think I'd probably DIE! :) I love you guys!

Jamie said...

I am so glad this wasn't a comment about the "male genitalia" thing!
Love you, too!!!