Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Martin’s Job…

Martin’s first day at work was good, I think. For those of you who know him well, you know that he doesn’t really show excitement or anger or fear, or any emotion, really. He is so typically English and blasé about everything. When he got home last night he just looked really tired.

He said that the restaurant was pretty busy, and he worked a 10 hour day. But it was 10 hours spent doing things he likes to do, and I think that will make all the difference. Plus, he left the house at 8:45 am instead of 7:15 am and walked to work. I think that was probably the selling point! He is at work now, and I am curious to see how his day went today. Sally and Nadine, the owners of The Place, are taking him to lunch in York on Monday. He’s being wined and dined! They will be working with him all this week, and he will be on his own starting next week.

Work continues much the same for me. Every day sees me a little bit more comfortable with my duties and a little more confident in the work I am doing. The little office alliances are becoming clearer and the petty arguments seem more obvious. But everyone is still so lovely. Funnily enough, there are three of us that are pregnant at work. Kerrie is due on April 23, Emma is due on September 5, and I am due on August 20. I am the oldest one by about 7 years. Oh well, c’est la vie.

In pregnancy news, I think the worst of the morning sickness is past. Either that or I am learning to manage it better. I no longer spend all my time fighting nausea. I really only get sick if I let myself get too hungry, which has happened a lot this week. It seems like no matter how much I eat I am still starving. But I am being good and eating fruit, veggies, and yoghurt for my snacks. It seems like I don’t have enough meals in the day to get all the stuff that I need. Thank heaven for pre-natal vitamins!

It’s kind of funny that my eating habits have changed so much. I have actually lost about 8 kilos since I got pregnant because I have been really trying to get all the fruit and vegetables in. I eat like a pig, but it’s all healthy, good stuff. But even with the weight loss, my clothes are starting to get too tight. I’m at that really annoying stage where you can’t tell if I’m pregnant or if I just need to lay off the chocolate. The other day Martin told me I was starting to look a little bit pregnant. Then he got worried, and asked me if he was allowed to say that. I love my husband!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly Martin!!

I never really went through morning sickness. I felt like I was eating really healthy for the first time in my life! Its funny the things we won't do for ourselves, but when someone else is depending on us!? Its on!