Monday, October 29, 2007

Two steps forward and one step back...

Typing this from the Mundays' house, and this is the first time all day I haven't had a screaming baby on my hands. We seem to have a couple of really great days, and then a terrible one. I got a phone call in the morning that woke Dylan up from his nap, and he didn't go to sleep for the rest of the day. He was awake about an hour and a half before he normally gets up, and boy did he let me know about it. He's been so tired all day, but he would NOT go to sleep.

We are over here doing fun family home evening Halloween things. I am making spider cider and scary dogs--fun stuff! I'm having to improvise, but it should still be good. It all takes me back...I miss Halloween as a child. I can hardly wait until Dylan is old enough to dress up and take trick or treating!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi jamie

iv noticed your frustaions and let me tell you it will get easier. Just a note of help for you. try and use a swing it seems to help when there really fussy. That is the bad thing about having boys is they love their mommies and they never stop--lol-jk. But you can try some tough love with him and let him cry it really hard and you will problely cry along with him but it teaches him to be independant from you so you dont go crazy. try and make things noiser when he is going to sleep like run the radio or turn up the tv louder then normal this makes it so they dont scare over the smallest things and wake up. with my kids i always ran the vaccum and they will sleep through anything. When it comes down to it give yourself time out for 5 minutes or so. If he is feed and dry just let him cry in the crib or bouncer. Because as long as you can hear him cry you know he is fine and you get alone time even if you have to put yourself in closet. It may take a couble of times but he will be more depandant on himself to make himself happy.
These are just suggestions. I did this with my kids and it really helps esp. the swing.

i thought this might help you

keep in touch
