Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Weekly Weigh-In...

The health visitor came in yesterday and took Dylan's vital statistics. He is 23 inches long and weighs 12 lbs. 2 oz. He gained a full pound last week. It's a good thing he did, considering how much I've fed him in the last five days. He has about three hours every day when all he wants me to do is feed him.

Today we celebrated me being able to drive again by going into Alan Dick and showing him off. All the ladies ooohed and ahhed over Dylan--he was quite charming. It was so great to be able to drive again, and we did a little bit of shopping while we were in town any way. Seriously, so nice to get away from Barton for a few hours. I've felt like a virtual prisoner since about 2 weeks before Dylan was born.

We've got choir tonight, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Last week was a nightmare!!! Pam, the choir pianist, has health problems and can't always make it. Well, whe wasn't there last weekand I spent 1 1/2 hours trying to feed Dylan (that's his fussy time of night), teach new songs to the choir, and play the piano all at once. Not to mention we don't get home until WAY past Dylan's bed time and it throws his routine all off! Plus, I've got the Christmas program to contend with and nobody in the choir will help me with it, or even give me any ideas. I so need to be released!

I've been seriously getting into the motherhood thing this week! Dylan and I are getting more used to each other, and he recognizes the sound of my voice now. He is smiling at me big time now, and staying home with him is much more rewarding now. I'm actually beginning to feel like a competent mother, and I could seriously get used to the way that feels. Not to mention the fact that he occasionaly lets me set him down now so I can get a few things done around the house.

I can't believe the little man is six weeks old. And I can't believe it's taken me this long to be OK with being his mommy!

1 comment:

House of Wilcox Rock!!! said...

Oh Jamie, I'm so happy for you. You'll be fine, I know it gets frustrating sometimes but its all worth it when he smiles at you huh?
It just gets cooler as he learns to do more stuff.