Thursday, January 10, 2008

Quick update...

Well, after a week of sickness in our house Dylan and Martin are finally feeling better. I never got sick, but wanted to take a break after caring for 2 big babies for a week!

Martin got this weird stomach bug that has hit Britain really hard. He spent about 4 days straight in the loo and he lost about 10 lbs. He is doing much better now though, which is a relief. Dylan just had a cold, but he had his third round of vaccinations and has been teething, so he was difficult to say the least. And after 3 weeks or so of sleeping around 11 hours a night, he is back to waking up for a middle of the night feed.

I've been keeping myself busy with Dylan and the housework. Being a house wife is HARD! I got a fabulous book for Christmas called "Green Clean," which has all natural and organic cleaning tips and cleanser recipes. So far I've only done their laundry tips, but they are so good. I have started putting baking soda in with my detergent when I'm washing whites, and my clothes are so bright! I will never use bleach again! Also, it recommends using vinegar instead of fabric softener. The smell fades as the clothes dry, and it really works. Not only is it less chemicals, but it is MUCH cheaper. Next up, home made air freshener and dryer sheets.

There's turmoil and upset at The Place. Nadine, Martin's boss, said she wasn't going to sell the lease on it, but she's changed her mind. Martin has started looking for new jobs, just in case. Depending on how his job hunt goes, we may be moving home sooner than we thought. But don't get your hopes up, mom. We still have to wait until our penalty period on our mortgage is up and everything is very much up in the air at the minute.

Martin and I finally got my paperwork sent off for my visa renewal, which is good. Once my visa is through I can leave England and they will let me back in. And our finances are looking pretty good, so we may be able to plan a trip to the States soon (ish). I am so homesick and lonely!

We've changed to morning church again, which is actually really good for us now. Dylan is such a morning person, so church is much more enjoyable now since we aren't having to constantly be walking and feeding him. He just sits and plays with his toys, and he even does it quietly. He doesn't talk or laugh much--he's very self contained. I think he's going to be a quiet, shy, and deeply stubborn little man!

Anyway, enough typing. I'm going to get a few pictures of the little man posted while he is still in a good mood!

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