Saturday, May 31, 2008

Such a good day...

Martin was at work all day today, so Dylan and I had the day to ourselves. We took a long morning nap together and he played in his nursery while I pulled up some of the old lino and cleaned and oiled the floorboards. I've been wanting to do that for ages. About a third of the nursery is done. Then we went grocery shopping and came home to make fish pie. He had an afternoon nap while I finished the fish pie, and then Martin came home. We chilled until Martin's grandparents came over. We all had dinner together then Dylan had his bath and they left.

We got their old television. It's like twice the size of the one we had before. Plus, grandad Gilbert made us a cupboard to cover up the electric meters and fuse boxes. Our living room gets closer and closer to finished every day.

Martin and I also got a little bit more grass seed sown this evening, and have had loads of time together. The only downside has been the neighbors. They have been drinking since about 1 pm, and the cops have been over. An ambulance was called and apparently baseball bats were involved. Weird!

Dylan has started "commando crawling." He can move really fast--any day now he'll be crawling for real. It's so adorable to watch him trying to stand up. He's really more interested in trying to walk than to crawl. I've got a video clip that I'll try to post tomorrow or the next day.

1 comment:

Oberon said...

......sometimes.....i talk to strangers.