Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dylan is teaching me...

I am learning a lot from the little man. Today especially, for some reason, I am thinking about life lessons.

I am currently trying to teach Dylan to turn around and get off my bed backwards so he doesn't fall on his face. He's not getting it--maybe he's a bit young. He's definitely too fearless. As I was turning him around and showing him how to get his feet on the ground, it suddenly occurred to me that I was going to have to let him hurt himself in order for him to learn this particular lesson, and it broke my heart.

I would do just about anything to keep Dylan safe and happy. I would do anything to save him from pain. But if I don't allow him to experience pain, he will never learn anything for himself. I'm going to spend the rest of my life watching my baby grow up and make mistakes, helpless to stop him and forcing myself to step back. I'm going to be so torn--I want him to be safe, but I want him to learn and grow.

Pretty deep stuff, considering I'm exhausted. This post might not make any sense when I'm more alert.

Parenthood is teaching me a lot.

How do you do it, mom? How do you let your babies hurt themselves?


Amberlynn said...

When learning to climb stairs, Erik would let Jasper climb on his own, and wait a few steps down to catch him. If he fell on the bottom or second to bottom step, we'd let him fall. The stairs are carpeted, so not too big of hurts.

But generally, Jasper has been a pretty cautious kid. That is starting to wear off a bit...

Emma said...

Welcome, Jamie, to the world of worry, I have it from a good source that it never stops! Also welcome to the world of parents trying not to mess their kids up too much, luckily for us this world is also populated with little people who think we are the best thing ever because after they puke on us, poo on us, scream at us, break our most expensive and dearest things, we still love them. Perhaps now would be a good time to stock up on band aids and frozen peas?? Emma x