Saturday, June 28, 2008

The highlight of my week...

Sadly, the highlight of my week is that Barton got a Tesco. That's the biggest supermarket chain in the UK (£1 in every £7 in the country is spent there, apparently). It's similar to WalMart, but not as good. We have done our shopping at Tesco for a long time, but we always had to drive in to Scunthorpe or Grimsby to do it, and now we have a 5 minute walk instead of a 20 minute drive. For those of you who have visited us, it is where Proudfoot used to be. You might not know where that was, actually, because I never shopped there. It was cramped, over-priced, and dirty. I always felt like I was shopping in the ghetto.
Unfortunately, Tesco opening has been the highlight of a lot of other peoples' weeks as well. Traffic on our road has really increased and the store is absolutely PACKED all the time. It took us way longer than normal to do our shopping. I can't wait for the novelty to wear off so people stop going there just to check it out.
We took Dylan to watch "Prince Caspian" last night. That was good fun, but the movie was so long that it totally threw off his routine and he ended up going to sleep before he had any proper dinner. So he woke up at 2 am and again at 5:30 am. After his 5:30 feed, he wouldn't go back to sleep. Martin and 6 am don't mix well, so we got into a huge fight. It's all good now, though. The only time we ever fight is when we're both tired.
The garden is starting to look GREAT! We have been eating radish for a few weeks now, and I will have strawberries and raspberries in a few weeks' time. The potatoes are close, and we'll be enjoying leeks and parsnip in a few months. The grass looks good, and Martin has built us a new table in the barbecue area. He's now in the process of building an actual barbecue made from one of the oil tins from work. We should be done, or close to it, by next weekend and Martin's birthday/4th of July party.
Dylan has started crawling on his hands and feet and he's getting really good at climbing stairs. He's into everything at the minute, so I need to go chase him and make sure he's not trying to eat anything weird. The house is not quite baby-proofed yet!

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