Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Still a regular gym bunny...

Well, it's February and the eating habits/gym habit are still going strong.  Maybe now I'm not just a deluded New Years health fanatic and people can start taking my exercise regime seriously?

I can now run a mile in just 6 minutes 37 seconds. Not in real life, mind you.  Only on the cross trainer. But it sure beats my mandatory one-mile high school run time of about 9 minutes 54 seconds (I can't even begin to tell you how many times I faked an asthma attack to get out of that run.  I LOATHE running).  I'm pretty proud of that mile time, even if it is in an artificial environment and I am totally knackered afterwards.

I have increased my weight and reps on most of the machines I use, and have moved to free weights for my biceps and triceps.  My upper body is starting to look good, but it gets a little bit scary right around my belly button.  That will take more hard work and some surgery to correct.

I'm still waiting for that extra energy that supposedly comes from working out.  I'm still just tired.  But I feel happier. I'm still not happy with my body, but I'm satisfied that I'm doing something about it.

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