Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I miss the girls!

So now that I am working in an office where the ladies all get along, I miss Becki and Deedee. We used to have such a great time at work, and being at Hewden with Heather and Michelle reminds me of the fun we used to have.

So yeah, here's me sitting at work missing the job I left a year and a half ago, and I'm kind of wondering if they miss having me. It's not that often you have an office full of girls who get along that well and enjoy each others' company that much. Women are usually so competitive! So yeah, Becki, Deedee, miss you SO MUCH!

Doing well here in England. Martin's interview was postponed as they are really busy and down some staff at work. I'll keep everyone posted on that front. We haven't done anything on the house for ages--both of us are so tired, and tired of DIY. but we are going to patch some plaster tomorrow, so that should be fun. I have some pictures to post as soon as I get them onto the computer. Coming soon to a computer near you!

In other news, I have decided to do either a certificate in body massage or a diploma in holistic treatments. The local college is sending me the info and I will decide by next week. Really looking forward to that. The body massage certificate is a 36 week course, 1 night a week. The diploma is one full day a week for 36 weeks. Tough choice! It's a lot cheaper than qualifying in the US, and I will be able to get a job in a spa when we move back to Utah!

Must go to bed--it's nearly 11 pm and I am exhausted!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you too!!! You'll like to know that reading your blog is similar to one of my 'reality shows'. I call it "The Adventures of English JaM" (Jamie and Martin). OK.. I just made up the name, but I like it! Your blog makes me feel very connected to you. I hope it does the same for your family. What a very clever way of keeping everyone up to date on your life.

Gordon has been promoted.. to GM of the South Rim! His last day with us was Aug 1. Jeff will be 'acting' GM while it gets posted, etc.

I'm slowly adjusting to my new life. No matter how prepared you think you are, losing your spouse is the hardest thing to go through. After they are gone you realize how many good times there were even through the very bad times. So, my advise to you is to always try and look for the positive, because when they are gone they are really gone.

I miss you so much! You would absolutely love being in the new office space! Well... tis not so new anymore, but still great to have all of the windows!

xoxoxox.... Becki