Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Dietician...

This is one appointment that wasn't a disappointment. Martin and I found out that we actually have quite a healthy diet. The lady told us that the only thing I need to do to lose weight is watch my portion sizes, exercise more, and maybe substitute some of our food with low fat options. So yeah, good news, but still frustrating.

Lovely day, though. Since my appointment was in the morning, I didn't go in to work until noon. The day goes by a lot faster when you don't actually have to work the whole time. Work was easy, as well. This current job is totally more what I thought temping would be like. I'm glad I have the job, even though I'll only be there for 4 weeks longer. It has gone a long way toward restoring my confidence in myself and making me less afraid to get out there and work again. Nasty Yvonne really messed with my head.

Martin has another interview for a promotion on Monday, and we're really hoping that this is the one. He could be working in Hessle (just across the bridge from us) or in Grimsby. His sales numbers have been good, though he didn't make the "Elite Club," and he is wonderful at his job!

Martin has nothing to add, so I'll say good night for now!

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