Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Great Day!!!

Yesterday was so busy, but so good! It started (for me) at 9 am, when I woke up and got ready for a job interview in Scunthorpe. I went to that, then popped in to see Martin. We had lunch together, exchanged our broken DVD player for one that actually works, then drove over to Hull to take my driving theory test. I got there with time to spare, didn't get lost, found a good parking spot, etc. Then, I took the test and passed it!

While I was driving across the Humber bridge to come home, I got a call from On Loan about the job. The guys that interviewed me thought I would be ideal, and wanted me to commit to 3 months. I want to keep my options open with the day spa job, which I haven't heard on yet, so I committed to a definite period of 8 weeks, with a chance to extend that later. This one may turn into a full time job as well, and I will be making the equivalent of $4 an hour more than I have been making since we got here. I start Monday!

I drove back to Scunny and bought the first of Martin's Christmas gifts, then picked him up from work. We drove into Grimsby and helped out at the Ward single adults Christmas party with the bishop and his lovely wife. It was such a good time, even though it was 3 hours of non-stop work. Then we came home and collapsed--completely exhausted, but so content. Especially because I bought us some new pillows and switched our mattress. I hope today is as good!

Martin is at work right now, then he is playing football this afternoon. After the game, we are driving to Lincoln to go to the Christmas market. It's one of my favourite events of the year, and I have the camera all ready to go. I will post pictures (maybe tomorrow) of the market, etc. Hope everyone else has a good weekend!

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