Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I am done with work for over a week, so it should be a VERY merry Christmas for me. It is 10 am and I am still in bed. Don't be all judgmental though--I've been awake since 9!

Last night was a busy one--Ward primary Nativity and social, as well as Martin's Gran and Grandad's 50th wedding anniversary party in Mablethorpe. Martin rode down to that with his sister and I went to the Nativity because I had to play the piano for it. When I was finished with my bit, I drove to Mablethorpe by myself. We stayed until about 10, then drove home. We were both completely exhausted by the time we got here, so it was straight to bed. We didn't even read before going to sleep, really. Martin is at work now, poor guy!

Christmas has come really fast this year. I can't believe it's only three days away. Our Christmas tree isn't even decorated yet, sadly. We got it last weekend, but have been too busy and too tired to do anything about it. I had a night or two when I could have done it, but I didn't want to decorate a Christmas tree alone!

Things are going well here in sunny old England. We've celebrated the first day of winter, to our absolute joy, so the days will start getting longer now. I believe yesterday was the shortest day of the year. Not that it's mattered anyway, as we've been completely covered in a bank of fog all week long. It's been so thick that you can't see more than about 10 feet in front of you. It's an absolute nightmare to drive in, but lovely all the rest of the time. It makes it so you can't see the steel works in Scunthorpe, the docks and factories in Grimsby, and the refineries in Immingham. Yes, a good old pea souper really improves the scenery in the Lincolnshire cities.

Martin is still looking forward to his new job--he'll start working weekends just after Christmas and will start full time on January 22. His group rental manager at Enterprise took him out to lunch on Wednesday and tried to talk him into staying at Enterprise, and he's seriously considering it (I think). I guess he was pretty persuasive and had some excellent arguments. I told Martin I would support him in whatever decision he makes, of course. I just want him to be happy.

I still haven't heard back from the day spa people, so I'm not holding my breath. But in the mean time, my job at Alan Dick is going swimmingly. They treat their temps so well, and it's nice to be considered more than just a piece of office equipment. I am off work all next week as they are closed for Christmas, but I think I get paid for it. Also, after only two weeks there I got a gift voucher from them for Christmas. The people are all really nice, the office is busy but social as well. If I were to stay there, it would be OK with me. There are worse places to work! In fact, I think I've worked in those already!

I need to get going. I have to run into town to pick up a few last minute bits and pieces for Martin's Christmas, get wrapping paper, tape, etc. Then I really ought to clean my house. I've been so tired lately that I haven't cleaned for ages. Even Martin is grossed out by the kitchen (I suggested he might like to clean it, but that didn't get a very favourable response).

Best Christmas wishes to all of you, and I will probably post again early in the new year (if not sooner!)

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! I love you guys and miss you lots! :)