Thursday, December 07, 2006

The promised last!

For those of you who didn't see us on our trip to the States and are dying of suspense, Martin decided to take the job at The Place. They are going to have a written offer for him on Monday, at which point he will hand in his notice at Enterprise. Scary!!! But he's excited, and that makes me excited for him.

My second interview went well, and I should hear back from the ladies soon. The day spa won't be opening until January, so I am trying to get a temp job in the mean time, and I have an interview for Job Seeker's allowance on Monday in case I can't get anything right away. That makes Martin less stressed.

Also, I am taking my driving theory test and hazard perception test tomorrow in Hull. Should be a good time. I just hope I pass, because it will be a pain in the rear end to take it again. I don't really fancy a trip into Hull, but I suppose it will be OK. It's just an absolute nightmare to drive over there. Maybe I'll see about getting a bus in? There's a thought.

So Martin has been sick all week, poor guy. He was throwing up and . . . other things, and didn't leave the bathroom for like 24 hours. I was feeling a little queasy myself--still am--but had to take care of my man. He wasn't complaining about how he felt, so I knew he was really sick. He's better now, and actually made it in to work today. This is the first day that I've been on my own, and it sure is nice. I've got a lot of laundry done and the bedroom is clean. Hooray!

Anyway, I'm going to post some pictures of the vacation now. Enjoy!

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