Friday, December 29, 2006

A Fantastic Christmas!

So yeah, Christmas was good. We spent Christmas Eve in our own home, and then all of Christmas day with Martin's parents. To my complete amazement, no fights all day. Christine was much more relaxed than she usually is at Christmas. Everyone really liked their gifts, the meal was perfect, and I got everything I wanted (except pajamas--I really wanted pajamas).

Martin's gifts went down well. I got him a hand made chinese checkers set, a couple of CDs, some gloves, Christmas socks, and a new titanium and silver ring (to replace the silver ring I gave him when we got married). He gave me a fabulous new handbag, an adorable belt, this gorgeous new necklace, loads of good stuff!

Martin's parents got me a portable massage bed. It's not new, but it's nearly as good as. And it will make it possible for me to practice at home and then start going to people's homes to give massages when I'm qualified. I gave Martin a back massage, but I haven't been feeling so hot lately so that's all I've done so far. Emma is going to have a massage on New Years day. I need the practice desperately!

Speaking of Martin, the poor guy has had a horrible hacking cough for 4 days now. He came home from work early on Tuesday because he hadn't slept all night. He's getting better, but he's still miserable. Work has been boring for him, which isn't helping matters. All of the garages and body shops are closed for Christmas, and that's where about 80% of their business comes from. I hate it when Martin's sick. Especially when he's not complaining about it, because that's when I know he really feels terrible!

We have started working on the guest room upstairs. I almost have the walls ready to paint, which is cool. Martin helped me chip away the plaster that was rotten, and I have put the first layer of dry wall on the holes, and just have one more coat plus the finishing plaster to put on. Then we paint, put up our recycled wooden cladding, strip the carpet, clean up the floor boards, and furnish it. To be fair, though, we already have a bed for the guest room. Just no closets, drawers, woardrobes, or bedside tables. But we DO have two matching lamps!

This weekend I think Martin is going to build the stud wall in the living room. I'm going to keep working on the guest room. Once the stud wall is up, we can do the ceiling. Then we can plaster and paint. After we paint, then we can do the floor. I'm tired of DIY. I think I'd give almost anything to be able to pay someone to finish it for us!

In happy news, we may be getting our kitten soon. We may have located one at Humberside Animal Rescue. They were getting a few in today, and they just need to do a home visit and verify that our home is acceptable for a kitten. Then we can pay the "adoption fee," and pick out our kitten. We could get a little kitty by next week. I'm so excited about that!

Anyway, I need to start cleaning the house since we are having the missionaries over for dinner tonight. Plus, I want it clean in case the HAR people come over for a home visit today! I'll write a bit more later. Happy New Year in case I don't blog anything before then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Have you gotten a cute kitteh yet? We had to give ours away, he just wasn't communicating with Izzy very well.