Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Magical Work Ethic to the Rescue (Again)

Not for the first time in my life, today I am grateful for the work ethic that my wonderful parents began instilling in me from an early age.

Emma, the OTHER pregnant temp at work, got sacked yesterday. They said that it was because of a combination of performance and attendance. Personally, I think it was more attendance than anything else. She was pretty sick, just like me, but unlike me she called in sick a lot. I just toughed it out, threw up in the toilets at work, sucked on mint candy, and struggled on. And now, she is gone and I still have a job. I’m sad to see her go, but still—Hooray!

As each day passes, I feel a little bit better. But then, just when I think I’m in the clear, I have a really bad day. But I am just a few days shy of my second trimester, and I am thrilled about that! Another delightful pregnancy quirk that has just cropped up is insomnia. I get to sleep just fine, but then my bladder wakes me up at 3 am (seriously, you could set a clock by it!). I get up to use the bathroom, then I lie in bed awake for the next hour and a half. I finally start to get some good sleep again about an hour before my alarm goes off. It doesn’t matter how much I’ve had to drink, nor does it matter how tired I am before I go to bed. Fabulous. Jenny (at work) says it’s just my body preparing me for the sleeping habits of my baby. Thanks for that, Jen!

We are having another cold snap over here. It was -3C this morning. But the snowdrops are blooming, and the daffodils are just beginning to peek their heads above the ground. We should be awash in a field of yellow in the next 4 or 5 weeks. Spring is coming, and I am so excited. England in the spring is more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen. I didn’t take many pictures last spring, but I promise to be much better this year. Seriously beautiful!!!


House of Wilcox Rock!!! said...

Nope honey thats the little maggot pushing on your bladder. WEEEEE! Thats one of the fun things about being pregnant, your bladder can hold about half what it used to. Just wait until your third trimester when it is squished down to about a third of its former size! AND the little beasty starts doing karate just at the moment you are about to fall asleep, that was my favorite.

Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

Yea for being pregnant! the good, the bad, the stretch marks! I can hardly wait! What's your email address? I'd like to catch up!

Jamie said...

my e-mail address is
I'd love to catch up, too.