Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My first night out...

Last night I went to WI (Womens' Institute) and Martin stayed home with Dylan. He bathed him, fed him, and put him to bed without me, and he did a GREAT job. When I got home Dylan was in bed asleep and Martin was playing on the internet and watching Gladiator on TV. The only way it could have been any better is if he had tidied the house up a little bit!

We had the weekly weigh in today, and Dylan is now up to 14 lbs. 10 oz. He's so long though that he doesn't look fat at all. He does have a cute double chin and round little cheeks, but he's a long, lean looking baby.

Dylan also has his first passport. It's a british one, as we were just able to send away for that one and didn't have to make an appointment at the embassy like we'll need to for his American passport. His picture looks so silly, but adorable.

The two of us have been getting steadily better all this week, and now feel almost normal. Dylan had his first ever medicine (Calpol--it's like children's Tylenol I think). It was strawberry flavored, and he LOVED the taste of it. I'm still debating whether or not to start giving him baby rice cereal. I'm so torn! Any advice on that?

Incidentally, I love getting advice from people who already have kids. Having never done this before, I'm a little bit unsure most of the time. Keep the comments coming!!!


Amberlynn said...

Are you ready for cheesy commercial-mode Amber? "If you love getting advice from other parents, you'll love I do!" But really, I do.

House of Wilcox Rock!!! said...

Rice cereal is fun! we gave Izzy his first taste at around 5 months old as I recall. Some people say to start putting it in the bottle, or feeding it to them at night to help them stay full longer and sleep thru the night. Izzy started sleeping thru at about 4 months old. The first time it happened I was was the one who could not sleep, I kept checking to see if he was breathing!
Anyways, I dunno what's best, my best advice would be to just try it out and see what happens. Remember to mix it really thin at first with his milk and don't get frustrated! Remember the first time you tried to eat with chopsticks and it seemed impossible! Thats what its like for little man eating with a spoon.

Unknown said...

heres my scoop. Definantly do it!! I like had a big baby at birth and no matter how much he ate he was still hunger and eating all the time esp, at night. So is what i did is per an 8 oz bottle i put a table spoon or so in the formula or breast milk and shake in up in that. It would kind of beef it up alittle and my son slept the hole night with it. do it little by little until hes adjusted and well loved it and be more full

Anonymous said...

Each of my kids started rice cereal at about 4 months. The best thing to do is try it and see if he can manage. Most dr's recommend 4 months cuz that's when the tongue thrust reflex goes away and baby is less likely to just push the cereal back out of his mouth with the tongue. If Dylan's ready you'll know pretty quick based on how well he pulls the cereal down his throat intead of pushing it back out hs mouth. Sorry for the novel.

Michelle and Nick said...

I started Seth on cereal at 4 months and did the same with Sam. When Sam had his 4 month check up a few weeks later, the Dr said they now recommend starting them at 6 months to avoid problems with allergies. But he said that if there were no problems, I could probably keep feeding it to him. What Seth's Dr recommended is cereal at 4, veggies at 5, fruits at 6 and meats and juices at 7. I don't know if that helps or not, but that is what I have been going by. It doesn't seem like the heavier foods helped Sam sleep much better. He still wakes up most nights at least once....Dylan is such a cutie. Keep posting pictures!