Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Turning the big 30...

Well, I have to say that this has been one of the crappiest birthdays ever!

Martin was at work all day. Jan took me out to lunch, but Dylan was a nightmare the entire time because she was running late and lunch cut in to his nap time. Then Gran and Grandad came up, which made it so I couldn't get a nap while Dylan did (he also woke up twice in the night and got up early this morning, so sleep deprivation was a major issue). I DID get some lovely presents, but I had to cook dinner for the family, and then Martin had to go to a church meeting in Scunthorpe. That's where he is now, so I am on my own with Dylan for his bath and bed time. Oh, and did I mention that the little munchkin is teething? I don't anticipate Martin coming home before 10 pm. I'm probably going to spend my birthday evening on my own plastering the bedroom. Then I will probably get a bath and go to bed early. Great, huh?

I didn't really WANT to do much for this birthday. I'd rather it hadn't happened, to be honest. I feel so old anyway, with the pregnancy and third trimester exhaustion/insomnia. Everyone says that you're only as old as you feel, but that doesn't help you feel any better when you feel about 65!!! But, low expectations and all, I really fancied a quiet evening at home with my husband, curled up on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate and watching a girlie movie. Instead I get a night of single parenting and solitary plastering.

I think the only worse birthday I've had was my 21st, when I was living on my own at the Grand Canyon and worked a back to back shift. Though the night is young, so maybe this one will turn out to be worse than that one. It's hard to say.

The exhaustion mixed with the overall disappointment about the day has made me emotional, and I feel like the reality of everything that's currently happening in our lives just hit. We are broke, we have huge medical bills to pay from our trip to Utah, Martin is losing his job, and we have a new baby coming in just 8 weeks. I'm so overwhelmed today and I just want to cry!

Sorry about the whining everybody. I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day (as long as Dylan actually sleeps tonight) and things won't look so daunting. I just needed to get that off my chest, and now I need to give my whiny baby his bath and get him to bed.

Wish me happy and successful plastering.


Unknown said...

oh im sorry....things always seem to beworse when youre preggo. Really turning thirty isnt as bad as it seems but i have never been preggo and thrity though. You should realy call primary children though and see how they can help you with your bill. For being a hospital theyre sure pretty awesome about their billing issues. Anyway cheer up and think about what you have to look forward to

Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

Maybe you can count a different day as your birthday? It sounds wierd but I do it all the time:) Like this Saturday or Sunday when Martin will be home:)

Amberlynn said...

Here's a big virtual hug from across the pond, with a kiss on the cheek. In blue lipstick. Or purple? Take your pick.

Adriane said...

Oh, wow. I wish I could help. Hopefully things are looking up now. Ashlee is teething right now too. Her 2 year molars. I hope things can be worked out with the medical stuff.