Monday, July 19, 2010


Martin had a headache today, and I still made him take care of the kids while I made dinner and cleaned up.  He also did the baths.  Does it make me a bad person that I want him to feel my pain?  If I am sick, I still have to prepare three meals a day, tidy the house, do laundry, wipe bottoms, give baths, kiss hurts, and just generally take care of everybody.  Martin had to do it for an hour, and he was ready to scream.

Now the kids are in bed and I have plastered the top stairs.  Martin is cashing out at work (his Monday closer is on paternity leave).  I'm watching a girlie movie and hoping he'll be back soon.

Got a lot done out in the garden today, though not as much as I would have hoped.  Martin is cleaning out the spaces between the bricks in the courtyard and brushing dry mortar mix into them.  It's looking good, and he's nearly finished.  I made some supports for the tomatoes with bamboo poles and garden wire, and they look wonderful.  Just have a bunch of rubbish to clear out tomorrow morning, and the garden will look marvy.  MUCH better than it did when we moved in, all gravel and broken concrete.  Now it is a little haven and a welcome extension of our living space. 

I can't believe that my mom will be here on Thursday.  I have so much to do before then.  I probably shouldn't be blogging, in fact. 

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