Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I'm gonna figure this out!

It's my goal to figure out the pictures thing later tonight or maybe tomorrow at the latest!

Martin was kind enough to post last night--I went to bed at 9:30pm and slept until 7:30 am. I think the lack of sunlight is starting to get to me.

As Martin mentioned, I am working for Volvo in their PDI centre. I am classed as a secretarial/admin worker, and I am doing a little bit of everything. I answer phones, laminate and post certificates, code invoices and enter them for payment, raise jobs and purchase orders, etc. The work isn't hard, just very very involved. I am frustrated, but every day gets a little bit better.

Last weekend we didn't do anything really exciting. Most of the weekend was spent at church watching general conference. We did manage to look at a few places for rent, but nothing really grabbed our attention. On Friday night we went in to Grimsby and played Snooker with Martin's friend Adam, which was a really great time. Snooker is sort of like pool, but the table is twice as big and it involves different colored balls that have to be hit into the pockets in succession. Way fun, and very difficult. I'm terrible at it!

This weekend we are going to look at more houses and flats. We were looking at buying an old Methodist chapel, but backed out of it when we discovered that there wasn't going to be much property sold with it. If we had bought the land at the back, it would have cost us an extra 30,000. That's pounds, not dollars. At the current exchange rate, we would have been paying $60,000 dollars for a piece of property about the size of mom and dad's family room. It didn't seem like such a good idea.

Anyway, that's the news. I'm going to try to figure out the picture thing now, so hopefully we will have some pictures for your viewing pleasure soon!

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