Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Okay, so this is an update plus an apology of sorts. We keep promising pictures, but we are having technical difficulties on that front. In light of this, we are making efforts to resolve this so we can show how much fun we are having.

In the meantime, in between fun and games, we have to do the work thing! I am sure most of you know I am still working for Enterprise, but it is a whole different kettle of fish to what I have been doing in the U.S. Not bad, or worse, just different. And about a tonne more paperwork! It all seems to be a bit more involved if you ask me.

Jamie has actually started working for Volvo. "Oh" you might say, "she is working at a car dealership?" Well, no. She is actually working at the PDI centre for Volvo Plant machinery. PDI stands for Pre Delivery Inspection. Now, Jamie doesn't do the inspection, but what she does do is take care of invoicing and working with salesmen as well as doing a bit of everything on the paperwork front. I don't know the exact details but I am sure if anyone has any major questions, you can direct those to Jamie.

We both enjoyed conference this weekend, althought having to put on church clothes and physically go to work was a bit of a pain. But the whole thing was still quite edifying. Someone did inform us that it can be watched through Sky TV, which is the english equivalent of ish Network, but we didn't find this out until too late. So, next year we are going to get it taken care of earlier so we can watch in the comfort of our home and wear pyjama's instead of church clothes!

That's about all for now. Hope to be in touch with you all soon.

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