Saturday, March 17, 2007

You know you've been in Britain too long when all of the following things seem normal to you!

Taken from a great website,

  • Use of both knife and fork. It really is a pretty civilized way to eat!
  • Flow of foot traffic that is enough to make you wanna hurt someone. Every man, woman and child for themselves! No rules...just dodge bodies.

  • The thrill of finally understanding inside jokes of British humour. There are many steeped in the popular culture!

  • How many times must one exchange 'thank you' with a store clerk after they ring up your sale? 'Look, I've got to be somewhere by 2pm. It's 1:30, now. Do you think we can just exchange thank you a few times to each other and then I'm free to go?'

  • Automatic mental conversion of 'z' to 's' when writing words such as 'organisation' and 'visualise'.

  • Single kiss on the cheek of those you are greeting. Hugging is NOT an option.

  • Consideration of writing a book on how to make the most out of those precious storage spaces in your home.

  • Adopting the national all out free-for-all attitude when grocery shopping and the fact that it is never easy to get into or out of a store due to bizarre limited entrance/exits in UK stores.

  • Writing the day before the month no longer seems a bizarre thing.

  • You find yourself defending the UK in futile arguments with people who may have been in the UK for as long as 14 days, and know everything there is to know about it.

  • You are occasionally asked if you are from Ireland because you've taken on a slight UK bias in your vocal intonation.

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