Saturday, April 07, 2007

Bank Holiday Weekends...

In the UK, you get Good Friday and Easter Monday off work, and there is also a bank holiday in May, so depending on when Easter falls you get a lot of days off in a row. It's so wonderful to have extra time off!

Yesterday was a very nice and productive day, though I over did things a bit. Martin was at work from 9-3, and I got up with him and went shopping--for seeds! I got my garden planted yesterday. I've planted French beans (around bamboo trellis with morning glory, sweet peas, and nasturtiums), radishes, spinach, kale, carrots, and tomatoes. We don't have space for flowers AND vegetables, so I've done veggies that will look pretty. At least, I hope they'll look pretty.

I did have to do some digging in the flower beds to prep them for planting, and that wasn't so good. I probably should have had Martin do it, but I knew that if I waited for him it would never get done. Anyway, my back is pretty sore and I am still in bed this morning, but my back garden looks FAB! I can't wait until the seeds start sprouting.

Gardening is weird for me over here--mostly because I don't recognize a lot of the common weeds. I am never quite sure if what I'm pulling is a weed or some gorgeous flower until it is too late and I have a garden full of stinging nettle. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

After Martin got off work we went to a movie, then went to the Munday's for dinner. We all sat around just talking for ages, which was nice. Today when Martin gets home from work he's going to get some stuff done on the front room. Slowly but surely the house is getting there.

We kind of had a nightmare week with the car. We took it in to get the thermostat fixed, which should have been a one hour job, tops. Unfortunately, it ended up taking more like six (for reasons too numerous to go in to right now). We ended up car-less for two days, and I had to get a ride home from work with Martin's dad--on his motor bike. In hind sight, probably a bit risky for a pregnant lady. But I love bikes, and it was fun. Probably won't be doing that again for the rest of the pregnancy. Anyway, the car is fixed now and it's so nice to have it back!

I am feeling really good right now. Ever since the ultrasound on Monday, I have had this wonderful, peaceful feeling about my pregnancy. For the first time since I got the positive result, I feel like everything is OK. I am relaxing and enjoying this adventure, and it feels good to not be constantly worried and stressed that something is going to go wrong. I feel like this baby is here to stay, and it makes me happier than I can say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when cars give you trouble. It makes you realize the sad reality of how much you have or don't have in you bank account to fix it. I do like the image of you on a motor bike. I bet you looked smashing. We went to Havasupai and I'm going to load the pic onto the web. We I do that you can browse them at you ealiest convinces. (I really am a bad speller.)
