Monday, April 02, 2007

The Big Ultrasound…

So Martin and I went in for out anomalies scan this morning, and it was brilliant! Everything looks perfectly normal with the baby. We got to see his heart beating, which was tres groovy. You could actually see all 4 chambers of his heart, and it was beating like crazy. The technician said that just by viewing that one part of the baby they could rule out about 70% of all potential problems. What a relief!

Martin actually had a good time at the scan. He was asking all these questions, and he thought it was cool when we could see the baby’s spine and ribs. He also really enjoyed seeing the baby move. I guess he didn’t believe me when I told him the baby was moving a lot. It’s been almost constant for nearly a week now.

The tech also confirmed what I’ve been suspecting. The baby is kind of hanging out around my right side. I can tell because when I look down at my belly it is slightly lopsided. Very strange.

It was so exciting to see the baby again, and wonderful to know that he is growing normally and doesn’t have anything wrong with him that they can see. And for all you people out there who wanted us to find out the sex of the baby n advance, it wouldn’t have mattered any way. He had his little legs tightly crossed the whole time! We couldn’t even get a good picture of the little monkey because he kept his back to my belly most of the time and wouldn’t let the tech get a profile shot. But I don’t care about the picture! My baby is normal and healthy, and that’s enough for me!

In other news, Martin’s mate Adam is back in the country. He left about a month after we moved back, and has only been back once to visit. We saw him yesterday, which was nice. We also got to spend some time with each other, which was even nicer. Martin worked for 13 hours on Friday and 12 hours on Saturday because his stupid waitress called in sick—said she was going to the hospital, and then was seen out that night drinking in town. She might get fired, which would be nice for everyone involved (except maybe for her, but I don’t really care at this point). It was a pretty lonely weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and Martin. Congratulations! I hope you keep feeling well throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. In one month I'm expecting our family's first boy. It's very exciting!