Monday, December 15, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day!

We have been pushing Dylan's bedtime back and we've managed to get about an hour and a half. I am in the process of packing our bags (have to finish the laundry first since I have a limited supply of maternity clothes) and our carry-on. I even got a few excited butterlies earlier today that overrode the hideous anxiety about the flights! I just tried to check in on line, but can't. I guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I hear that winter has hit Utah with a vengence and we are on target for a white Christmas. The mother-in-law will be so jealous, and we are going to freeze our tails off! I also hear that there have been major ice storms somewhere in the northern U.S. and am hoping that Minneapolis isn't affected, since that's where we have our layover.

Ugh--so much to do and I am just putting things off. But I AM SO EXCITED!!!


V said...

Yeah! We can't wait to see you, we are coming to Mom and Dad's on Wednesday night to visit and again on Saturday. Have a safe flight and good luck with Dylan. Love ya V

Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

We want to come visit also before Saturday but separate from Velecia's family so we don't overwhelm Dylan at first:) Can we come up Wed. afternoon after you guys sleep in that morning? Let me know:) Can't wait to see ya!

Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

So excited you get to see your family. Hope we get to see you sometime during your visit. We'll be in Elmo the weekend after Christmas.

The weather here: we're expecting another storm tomorrow. I hope it doesn't delay your flight. But you'll definitely be getting a white Christmas! Hope Dylan likes the snow!

Unknown said...

Wahoo! I'm so excited! I can't believe you guys are finally coming to see me. :D I hope the storms aren't a problem for the flight over. Just so you know, I'm planning on purchasing some tasty treats at work tonight so I can bribe Dylan to like me. I'm totally going to be the favorite aunt! Mwwaahaha! Anyways, fly safely! Love ya! :)

Jamie said...

I'm sure Wednesday will be fine. It's hard to guess what Dylan will be like with the jet lag, but Velecia and Angie you are both welcome to visit. Dylan loves people, so the more the merrier. SO excited!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in Minneapolis! The weather is cold, cold, cold (-35 windchills today) but the skies should be clear for you!