Saturday, June 05, 2010

My week of dealing with bodily fluids...

Poor Edith--the live virus in her MMR vaccine did not sit well, and she has been sick all week long.  Martin and I have been dealing with her explosions (from both ends) all week long, and she's only been back to "normal" for the last 36 hours.  I have done about 4 extra loads of laundry this week--including all of her bedding--twice!

Yesterday was another pretty awesome day.  I was stuck in Scunthorpe for 6 hours with both kids and no car.  Not exactly my idea of a good time, but the water pump on our car got fixed as a result.  We left home at about 9:30am and didn't got back until 4pm.  And I had my friend Amy coming over for dinner, so I still had a meal to prepare and the house to clean.  Wouldn't you know it, Edith chose this 45 minute window to have a diaper explosion.  Then Dylan had a little accident as well.  When Amy came over at 5pm, both kids were naked from the waist down, the house was a mess, and dinner was late.  Then, after we ate, Dylan threw up all over the living room carpet.  What a great way to cap off an amazing week!

All is well today though.  It's been a good one with the kids.  Well, other than the fact that it took nearly an hour and a half to get them tucked up in bed.  They are normally asleep by 7pm, but I was still messing about with them at quarter past 8.

It's been a rough week all 'round.  But things are all good now.  We had a proper monsoon-style rainstorm this evening, and it refreshed me in so many ways.  And it made it so I don't have to worry about watering the garden tomorrow.  In fact, as I sit typing I am feeling strangely content. 

I don't know why, but having sick kids always makes me feel like a proper mother.  If you recall, it wasn't until Dylan had his first bout of proper sickness that I stopped feeling like I was just pretending to be a mom.  It's hard work, cleaning up messes and doing extra laundry and doing all of the comforting and cuddling and caring stuff.  But it is rewarding.

Our car didn't pass it's MOT, which means it is illegal to drive it right now.  So we aren't going to church tomorrow--it would cost about £15 in bus fare and we would be either an hour early or 30 minutes late if we used public transport, so instead we sill stay home and spend time together as a family.  At least until Martin goes in to work.  He is going to have Monday and Tuesday off this week since his Sunday cover isn't available.  The car is booked in to get fixed on Monday, so hopefully we won't be too long without a vehicle.  And hopefully it won't cost too much!

Since we aren't giong to church tomorrow, my Saturday night has been totally chilled out and free from the stresses of a normal Saturday.  I read a book this evening--a whole book.  Nice bit of fluff.  I listened to the rain pouring down.  I sang to my babies while I tried to get them to sleep.  I scrubbed the kitchen floor. 

I'm becoming such a shut-in.  Such a stay-at-home mom, obsessed with my kids' bowel movements, doing nothing but housework and cooking.  And the sad thing is, this lifestyle really suits me.  I love it.  Even when it's hard, I have never done such a fulfilling job!

Oh, and Simon and Joanne gave us a lawnmower because they had two.  :)

By the way, both kids are feeling fine now.

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