Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Martin has started freaking out...

I'm just so happy to be typing those words--you have no idea.

Martin went with me to the midwife yesterday and got to have a lovely chat with Julie--one of the ones I like--while I collected a sample for her. He asked all sorts of questions about who to call in case of emergencies, what to do if I couldn't make it to the hospital, etc. He had a good time listening to the baby's heart beating. All in all it was a pretty great appointment. Then we got home.

Martin isn't terribly in touch with his feelings. He's so English it's painful, and tries to avoid expressing emotion whenever possible. So last night when we were laying in bed he just looked so worried. I asked him if we could go to Sleningford Water Mill and do some tubing like we did last summer and he practically bit my head off. He said we couldn't go anywhere because he had to get the house done. He said he's getting really worried about it.

So I think this is Martin's way of expressing his (mild) panic about the baby's arrival. He doesn't always show those repressed emotions in a typical way (remember how he wasn't excited about our trip to visit his family a few years ago, but he got ALL excited about us making his Christmas tree pants?). I think his fears are just surfacing in a different way than mine are. I cry and carry on like a baby, and he gets angry and works really hard.

So nice to know that he really IS freaking out!

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