Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An impromptu road trip...

Yesterday morning Martin got a call from a recruitment agency regarding a job he applied for. It's for the assistant manager position at a chain restaurant's Lincoln location, and they wanted him to come in for an interview. In Nottingham.

After some discussion about whether we could afford the petrol or not, Martin said he would go down. So as soon as he got off work we bundled the kids into the car and left. Things didn't go exactly as planned, with Martin missing his exit on the motorway and the center of Nottingham being a mess of one way streets and weird junctions with very poor road signage. But the interview went well and he's made it through the first screening process.

We thought we'd be home about 6pm, but didn't actually make it home until around 8pm (trapped in Nottingham for ages--did I mention that the road signs are appalling?). We stopped at the restaurant he's applied for in Lincoln so he's better prepared for the interview and had a late dinner. I wasn't sure how the kids would do, since dinner was actually after the time that they're usually in bed. But they were fine--quite adorable, actually. I think we can safely say that they were the darlings of the restaurant.

The thing that made me really nervous was that they would wake up at a ridiculous hour and be horribly grumpy. Partially true. Dylan went to bed an hour and a half later than he usually does, and he woke up about 45 minutes before he usually does. But Edith slept until Dylan woke up. So Martin and I are doing our usual shift sleeping, and we are managing just fine.

Absurdly, I was sad that we didn't have any messages on the phone when we got back. We drove halfway to London yesterday and nobody even knew we'd gone.

I have to say, I would love to spend a little more time in Nottingham. It seems like a very beautiful city. And I also have to say, if Martin gets the job in Lincoln we would consider renting the house out up here and looking for something cheap to rent closer to his work for the rest of the time we are in England. I would be kind of sad about that, but it might also be fun. I have always loved Lincoln.

Of course, I am being a BIT premature about this. He hasn't even got his second interview scheduled yet.

All in all, it was a pretty eventful day yesterday.

1 comment:

kriddlec said...

I just want you to know that while I don't often leave comments on your blog, I ALWAYS read it because I love you so much. Love to the Gilberts!