Monday, October 12, 2009

A weird but wonderful surprise...

Edith slept through last night. The wonderful part is obvious. The weird part is that she had next to no solid food yesterday. She had an all liquid diet, and still managed to sleep from 7pm until 5am.

We've had a lovely day today. It didn't involve any television, either. Dylan peed on our floor this morning, and he's not allowed to have cartoons if he has an "accident," but it turned out to be a good thing. We dropped Martin off at his handyman job and then went down to Water's Edge to feed the ducks. I had Edith in the sling and Dylan held my hand (most of the time). It was such a beautiful, crisp morning and there were TONS of ducks.

When we got home, Dylan helped me make cookies. Then it was lunch time, and nap time. When the kids woke up, we read stories together and waited for Martin to come home. Then we drove to Beverly and did some window shopping. Evening brought a temple recommend interview--the real reason we went over. And now the kids are tucked up in bed and I am watching my guilty pleasure--"America's Next Top Model." I became a junkie when Dylan was a tiny baby.

Here's hoping that Edith sleeps through again, because I took a Volmax for my asthma as soon as she fell asleep and really want it to be out of my system before I have to feed her again.

I really love the days that don't involve the telly. The kids are better behaved and I feel like a better mother. It does involve a lot more effort on my part, but it is usually a good time. I'm going to try to do it more often.

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