Thursday, October 08, 2009

What a little play can do...

We went for a walk today--Martin, the kids and I. We were collecting Kleeneze brochures, but we walked right past a park on our way. Martin asked me if I wanted to take Dylan over to play, and I didn't feel like it but did it anyway. Well, we had a great time!

I pushed Dylan on the swing. I pushed him higher than he's ever gone before. Then we went over to the "big kid" swings and spidered. He threw his head back and laughed and laughed, and before I knew it I was laughing, too. And I realized that my children don't care if the house is clean. They want feeding, but would be just as happy with the simplest of meals as anything else. They don't mind that we don't go anywhere. A trip to the park is as much of an adventure as Dylan needs. Edith doesn't mind just sitting in the fresh air and looking around. I don't have to be a shut in. And I need to remember to play with my kids as often as I can.

I started the day with a determination that it was going to be a good one. And you know what? It was. Not everything got done, but I smiled a lot more than I have been lately. And I loved my family a lot more as well.

Thank you Dylan, for teaching me that sometimes all you need to do is play on the swing and laugh out loud.

1 comment:

Emma said...

That's so lovely. Glad you are feeling better now