Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My favorite place in the whole world...

It's not home. It's not church or the temple or even my parents' house in Nephi. Where, then? It's IKEA!

Martin is taking some holiday days and we were going to go to Preston and the lakes. But temple accommodation was full and we couldn't find anywhere else to stay that we could afford. Plus, my asthma has been flaring up again and I didn't really feel up to a mammoth trip like that. So we had a lazy morning yesterday and went to IKEA in the afternoon. Oh, I love that place so much!

We got new bed slats in the bargain corner--should retail for £30 for each side, and we got them for £7 a piece. MONSTER savings. The new slats are bowed and should make our bed a bit more comfortable. We'll know if they work the next time Edith sleeps for a longer stretch than 3 hours. And we got a few other clever bits and pieces, and the start of Emma's birthday gift (I'm not giving any hints, Emma, but I think you'll like it!).

Dylan had a great time there, as well. He loved the twirly chairs and trying out every single bed in the bedroom section. Edith, well, she wasn't bothered. I took a few breaks from shopping to feed her, so she was a happy camper. We were there for about three hours, mostly just looking around and marvelling that the designers for IKEA are so clever. I could happily furnish my entire house there. The storage solutions are my favorite--they're just so creative and fun! I found a coffee table that I love. Wish we weren't so broke, because I could spend an absolute fortune there.

Mostly, though, I'm just enjoying having Martin around. He worked on Monday morning, but I had him all to myself (well, I had to share him with the kids but that's OK) yesterday. And I'll have him all day today AND tomorrow. We are trying to pack loads of fun things in to our days off so that it'll tide me over until his next days off at Christmas.

The main purchase of the day was a stool for our bathroom. Dylan has decided that he prefers to stand up to pee, and he's still too short to reach the toilet on his own. He had started having loads of accidents and I think it's because he didn't want to sit on the toilet any more. I'm not really happy about it, because I have to help him with his aim, and it kind of weirds me out. But as long as he stops peeing all over my carpet it will all be OK. I'll deal with it!

The only dark spot on this week is my stupid lungs--and the fact that Edith is having some tough nights. It's funny, because if I was feeling decent it wouldn't be such a big deal. And if I could just get enough rest at night I would feel better. But I can't get enough sleep, so I can't get totally better. I'm stuck in a downward spiral. I wish I was completely healthy!

I remember this guy I went to college with--he had been totally blind since birth. One day I was sitting in the common room at my dorm and having a whinge about my asthma. I said that when our bodies were perfected, the first thing I would do was run a marathon. He said that he'd join me, because for the first time he would be able to run--he'd finally be able to see where he was going! I guess I should be happy with what I've got.

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