Friday, January 08, 2010

Where to begin?

I guess I'll start with Dylan.  He is doing much better, though his appetite is a bit funny and he gets tired really easily.  This morning he was tearing around the house and forcing us to play with him--back to normal.  By late this afternoon he was whining and horrible because he was exhausted.  But anything is better than the lethargic whimpering and I'm glad he's ok.

Edith now has her first tooth--it popped through on Wednesday.  You still can't quite see it, but you can sure feel it.  Luckily she is no longer a biter, or it would mean no more breast milk for her.  She wasn't even bad when the tooth was coming through.  She woke up for night feeds a few times, but that was it.  She really is an angelic child!

Martin and I are both doing well.  Nothing new to report there, except that we've been working out on the Wii a lot lately.  I have only missed one day since Christmas day, and that was the day we all went to Lincoln.  I pushed Edith up Steep Hill and pushed both kids down it in the pushchair, and believe me--that was a FANTASTIC workout!  I am starting to feel the benefit of the exercise as I have more energy now.  Sadly, the more I trim and firm my tummy muscles, the worse my stretched out skin looks.  But it has to get worse before it can get better, so I'll live with it.

The biggest news at the minute is the weather. It is snowing.  Like, PROPER snowing!  We drove home from Scunthorpe in a blizzard today, and it was beautiful.  I have never seen snow and cold like this in England before.  Although it is causing some serious problems, I love it.  I couldn't go to Utah for the winter, so a Utah winter came to me.  Most of the schools in the country are closed, the airports are a mess, trains are delayed, roads are icy, and the local councils are all running out of road salt and are having to ration it.  The weirdest thing is that the weather is so cold that the snow isn't melting.  I would be completely content to just sit at home with a mug of hot chocolate and a good movie on telly.  In fact, that's what Martin and I are doing tonight.

Bring on the snow!

And that's the update (for now).  Now here are the pictures I promised my mom...

We met up with Cathy in Grimsby on Tuesday-did some shopping, ate cake, and just generally had a good time.

This kid seriously looks amazing in black.  He is such a beautiful little boy!

Never mind the curry stains on her little face--she is a beauty as well.  Especially when she smiles--her whole face just lights up and she wrinkles her nose and squints a little.  And then your heart melts.

New outfit--thanks Auntie Emma!

 Christmas pajamas

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