Saturday, January 30, 2010

More milestones for Edith...

I can't believe how fast my darling little baby is growing up.  It makes me kind of sad, but I love it at the same time.

She now has two teeth--both on the bottom.  The second one has been hovering just under the surface of her skin for what seems like ages but is actually only about 10 days, and it finally popped all the way through yesterday.  She is getting very good at using her two teeth to tear her food.  They come in especially handy on things like bread, which she loves.

Her hair is getting quite long now, and as it gets longer it is starting to curl into the most adorable little red ringlets.  It still sticks straight up on top, but she has a little curl over each ear.  They are so cute, and the color is staying a gorgeous shade of red.  What a lucky little girl!

She has been crawling for a few weeks now, but it's still so much fun to watch her go.  She is getting pretty fast, and she is a very curious little girl.  She's not afraid to venture out on her own, so I may have to get a couple of stairgates for upstairs.  I never had to do that with Dylan because he preferred to be in the same room as me or Martin. 

Now that she's learned to move on her own, she is hard to keep still.  She's started wriggling away when we try to change her diapers or get her dressed/undressed.  And she is so determined!  Just today, after about a week of trying, she learned how to go up the step from the front room into the dining room. 

She's still a little angel though.  She is so sweet natured and, as suspected, is turning into a shy little girl.  Not at home, though.  She loves to pull funny faces and make all sorts of noises.  She growls and says mama and sings along when Dylan and I are singing.  But when we go out in public she goes all quiet and very rarely even smiles for strangers.  She just looks at them with those big greenish-blueish-brownish eyes of hers (have I mentioned that she's got the most amazing eyes?), taking it all in.

She loves to feed herself, and since we stopped trying to spoon food into her mouth she is eating about twice as much!  Her favorites are broccoli and pasta and bread.  She can use a sippy cup on her own, though she still spits most of her drink out instead of swallowing it.  She does better with a normal cup, but has to be helped with that as she would otherwise fling it all over the dining room.  And, best of all, she is now having a bottle every night before bed instead of breastmilk!  I continue to feed her in the morning and at nap time, but it's so nice to be stepping it back a bit.  Plus, she is sleeping better for it.

So that's the Edith update.  She's a little firecracker at home and a shrinking violet in public, and we are loving every minute of this girl!

Oh, and we are trying to potty train Dylan for the second time.  It's harder this time around, but he's getting there.  Any potty training tips would be appreciated.

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