Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why I have the best husband in the whole world...

Martin gives the kids their bath every night--unless he is working, of course.  He's done it since Dylan was a baby, and it gives him a chance to bond with the kids and me a chance to get the kitchen cleaned up from dinner without worrying about kids being underfoot.  It's a great arrangement for everybody.  And just look what a great job he does of it...

Dylan is always the first one to get undressed for bath time.

Then Martin starts to get Edith all ready for her bath.

Sometimes he gets a little bit of "help" from Dylan.

Both kids get a bit of practice on the potty...

...and one of the kids, or sometimes both of them, usually tries to make a break for it.

But eventually the bath is started.  And my husband is the most amazing daddy in the whole world!  Every day I feel blessed and awed to have him in my life. 

Thanks for being you, Martin!

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