Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Dylan's first nosebleed...

On our drive home from Emma's house the other day I was just, well, driving, and Dylan told me that he had something on his fingers.  I turned around to have a quick look, and this is what I saw.

Edith was, of course, totally unconcerned.

So was Dylan, for that matter.  I told him he needed to stop picking his nose, but it's a habit he's completely unable to break.  I think we've got a hopeless nose picker on our hands, and a lot more nosebleeds to come.


Unknown said...


House of Wilcox Rock!!! said...

Oh My!!! I would have FREAKED out!!!

Emma said...

My goodness!!! He looks like something out of a bad horror film! You are going to have to take some action on that nose picking, gross little guy! he he