Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School days...

Dylan has officially started school now, and he loves it!  It was his second day today, and he was thrilled to go.  His teachers have told me both days that he was absolutely fine.

His first day was rather sweet.  He gave me a hug and a kiss, then ran off to play.  Martin and I enjoyed some quiet time, and then we went to pick him up.  He was sitting so quietly, with another little boy's head on his shoulder, when I went to get him.  He saw me, and his face just lit up like you wouldn't believe. 

I live for moments like these.

Everyone has been telling me how exhausted he would be after school.  I was hoping for completely worn out.  What I got instead was mildly lethargic with an intense craving for cartoons and snacks.  Oh, and the biggest appetite I've ever seen him have for his dinner.

Isn't he sweet? 

Edith is missing him in the afternoons when she wakes up from her nap.  Today she wandered all over the house saying, "Dylan?"  Then she came to me and asked for him.  Bless her heart.  She loves her brother more than anything (except maybe her morning mama milk).

Speaking of Edith, she is getting her cast off tomorrow morning.  What a relief!  I will be taking her to the school tomorrow morning to get her photo taken with Dylan, then we will go straight to the hospital.  It will be nice to be able to give her a bath without a plastic bag over her arm, and to take her swimming.  And to be able to put her in her own pajamas again.

I am so in love with my kids tonight!

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