Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mean people suck...

Of course, everybody is mean some of the time.  I'm no exception to the rule.  In fact, the reason I married Martin (or one of the reasons, at least) is because he is a much nicer person than I am.

Sometimes people get hurt because of things you say or do, and you don't even realize it.  Those times are the worst.  I treasure each and every one of my friends, and would never intentionally hurt any of them.  So, well in advance of the New Years rush, I just want to take this opportunity to issue a blanket apology.

My friends and family, I love you all very much.  I think of you all often.  But sometimes I think only of myself, my husband, and my children.  Sometimes I say or do hurtful things as a result.  I'm sorry about that.  A careless word here, a thoughtless action there--those are the things that can wound the most,

Please don't think that this is an open invitation to all of you to tell me what I've done wrong.  Obviously, if you need to get something off your chest and it's really important, feel free to do so.  But I've taken enough of a beating already tonight, so please be gentle with me.


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