Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Giving up...

I'm a Mormon, and we don't really do Lent. But I figured, well, why not give something up? It's only 40 days, and I can pick something that I know is bad for me anyway.

I decided to give up French fries and soda.

Doesn't sound that difficult, right? The soda hasn't been bad at all, and I am actually feeling the benefit of drinking more water instead of Diet Coke. But I want McDonald's fries more than just about anything.

I should say at this point that it is only deep-fat-fried chips. I am still eating oven chips. But they are just NOT the same!

But hey, the first and best victory is to conquer self. Isn't that right, Plato?

My mother-in-law gave up sugar in her coffee one year. I'll bet that was harder.

Lent. Not for the faint of heart.

Easter dinner is definitely going to involve plenty of Dr. Pepper and FRIES!!!

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