Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So you think you're a "good Christian," do you???

I am not perfect.

There, I said it.  It's out there.  I've aknowledged the fact.

I try to be a good person, but people are people and we all have our faults.  The main thing is, I do try.

I also try to keep my head down and stay out of other peoples' business and other peoples' drama.  At the risk of sounding self centred and selfish, I've got enough of my own that I can totally focus on my stuff and remain (nearly) completely oblivious to others'. 

But, then again, I'm trying to be a good person.  So out of necessity in that regard, sometimes I get involved.

I also happen to be a very opinionated person, and am not shy about sharing my opinions when I feel very strongly about something.  People who know me well might have noticed this about me.

I made a single comment last week, in the presence of someone who I thought was a friend, and she has passed it down to extended (and soon to be "ex") family members, blowing it all out of proportion and making me sound like a horrible person.  ONE COMMENT! 

What I said was, "I can't believe the (insert family name here)'s went on holiday to the Maldives when they just laid (insert their son-in-law's name here) off from his job."

As soon as I saw that she didn't share my opinion, I shut up.  I didn't say another word about the subject for the rest of the drive.  The same can not be said about her.  She wouldn't drop the topic, despite the driver doing all she could to change the subject and me not talking at all.  She has, on a great many occasions, talked my ear off about these relatives of hers.  I have listened to her complain and whinge and criticize them for, quite literally, hours.  ONE COMMENT! 

As a result of this comment and the subsequent gossip about it, I got nasty messages from some of the people who are, after a fashion, involved.  Facebook was not my friend today.

Now I feel like I am the horrible person.  And I was actually expressing sympathy for some other members of the same family.  I feel so icky.  Even worse is the fact that I actually quite like this family--I was genuinely surprised that they did this and wasn't even being "preachy," as accused, about it.  They are normally all about family and do everything in their power to help theirs.

Nothing is worse than being sabotaged like this by someone you thought was a friend.  Especially when it makes you question things you thought you knew about yourself.

AM I a bad person?  I hope not.


Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

Oh Jamie- of course you are not a bad person! EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion without worrying that some gossipmongers (I love that word) will spread it to everyone! Just because they probably love the drama.

Just try not to worry about it and move on- the icky feeling will go away- I promise:)

Emma said...

You aren't perfect no, but neither are any of us (unless we are Jesus). You don't need to listen to their rubbish.
Keep your chin up chuck xx

ShaNeil Cook Coons said...

That's silly that you feel like a bad person! You're AMAZING! :D Love you!

Unknown said...

the truth hurts and who ever is offended becasue you stated a fact is their problem. You are not a bad person and being blunt is not a thing some people just cant stand to hear the truth. the only reason theyre up set is becasue they know youre right...keep your chin up