Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our hospital adventure in pictures...

The kids enjoy their bedtime cartoons together at the hospital.  Dylan LOVES watching telly in bed!

This look is what happens when you make a trip to the emergency room before breakfast is even finished.  SCARY!

But Dylan still manages to look great.  Unfair!

Awww, Martin is such a good daddy!

Just look how happy Edith is in his arms.

And here she is--the cause of all our drama.  Don't worry-her nose is looking much better now!

1 comment:

Emma said...

I was really sad when I dried Edith after her bath last night, her little hands have such big bruises on from the canulas, poor little mite. Having said that she had a big grin on her face so she's obviously not bothered by it all!
Glad she's all better now