Saturday, August 14, 2010


Dylan has been having one of those weeks.  You parents out there know what I mean.  He's been testing all his boundaries and pushing all the limits, just to see if I really mean it.  These weeks drive me crazy at the best of times.  Sadly, I have to give a talk in church tomorrow about mothers teaching their children in the home.  All I feel that I've taught Dylan in the past week is how to shout at your kids, take away their privileges, and just generally be a mean mommy.

I hope he's back to his normal, sweet self soon.  I'm going insane, shut up in this house with just the kids (it's been raining and I can't take them to an indoor playground or swimming by myself).  Thankfully, it's sunny today.  Also, Edith is back to angelic now that her chicken pox have totally cleared up.  And, best of all, Martin has two days off starting tomorrow. 


V said...

I think all moms have days like that. Here's hoping tommorrow is much better. Hugs and Loves. V

Becca Rocks said...

Kids are generally sandy little buttholes until they are about to turn 3 1/2. Its just one of those things! I love my boys but some days I want to strangle them. It's ok! It happens to the best of us!