Saturday, August 21, 2010

Maybe she's just jealous...

We have had a very full week--even me!  It went kind of like this:

Monday; drove to Grimsby to see Cathy, had lunch with her, took her and Smudge (she's dog sitting for the in-laws) to the park with our family, and made pizza for dinner.

Tuesday; Martin took the kids and met his mother in Pocklington (they are spending the week in their caravan over in Yorkshire).  I had a doctor's appointment, and had lunch with my girl Jen.

Wednesday; pretty normal day, but Noelle came over to visit after the kids were in bed.  Grown up company 2 days in a row--wow!

Thursday; Ok, we didn't really do anything on Thursday.  Just a normal day.

Friday; had Amy and the missionaries over for dinner.  Took the kids to the library to get new books.  Made 100% home-made chicken noodle soup, did most of my laundry, and nearly all the ironing (2 1/2 hours worth of it!)

And now, here we are at Saturday.  We will be going in to Scunthorpe to put Martin's paycheck in the bank (the banks in Barton are all closed on Saturdays) and buy some fruit and veg on the market.  Then the kids and I are going to Beth's birthday party.  Home after that, and the usual dinner and bed stuff.  Then it's a church lesson to prepare, a manicure and pedicure to do, and the rest of the ironing to finish off.

What does this have to do with being jealous?  It all comes back to Cathy, and the way she treated me on Monday.  I love my sister-in-law, but she's kind of a jerk sometimes.  And I can't call her out on it, because if she gets angry with you she turns catty and mean.  The last time I said something that offended her, she didn't speak to me for the next 3 months.  Nice, huh?

I fed Edith while we were at the park on Monday.  She was tired and thirsty, and we'd given Cathy one of our bottles of water for the dog.  Nobody else was ready to go home yet, so I got comfortable and fed her.

I realize that Edith is nearly 17 months old now, and most women in this country don't feed their babies that long.  But seriously, come on!  The WHO recommends you breastfeed them until they are two years old.  2 YEARS OLD!  We're still months away from that.  And anyway, the longer I feed her, the better it is for her brain development!

Anyway, I start feeding Edith and Cathy gets this disgusted look on her face and says, "Oh.  I thought you'd stopped doing THAT."  Then she walked away.

I caught up with the rest of the group in time to overhear her telling Martin that she was disgusted that I fed Edith in public like that.  Seriously, Cathy?  You put more boob on display every day, and I dread to think what you're wearing when you go out on a Friday night.  Feeding a baby is totally natural, and when I get my breasts out at least I'm using them for what they are meant for!  I don't think there's anything wrong with feeding my child in public.  I'm not about to hide in the car to do it, or in a public toilet.  It's nothing to be ashamed of.  How dare she treat me like that!

Anyway, she is very baby hungry and has a boyfriend who's not bothered.  Maybe she's just jealous of my glamorous lifestyle and the fact that I have two beautiful babies to love and care for.  Maybe she just wishes she had a little one to feed.  And when she does, she'll probably only feed her little one at home.  Or perch on the edge of a dirty toilet seat to do it.   You know, so she doesn't offend anyone by flashing her boobs.  Oh, wait! She already flashes her boobs at strangers with her low-cut dresses and tops. 

Obviously, using your breasts to feed a baby is so much more offensive than using them to attract men!

Ok, all done. 

I feel better now.


Unknown said...

LMNO woman youre awesome!!!!! you should do it until she five just to spite least youre able to feed that way my kids hated it

Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

Good rant Jamie- get it all out:) I totally agree with what you are saying- I think people that haven't ever breatfed or even been around it are just uncomfortable with it.

Greg's dad is the same way, but I still nurse in front of him and just cover with a blanket out of respect to him.

Now- I saw a show about a Mom nursing her 6 year old! As long as you stop before then you are just fine:)

Jamie said...

No worries--I saw that documentary too, Ang, and that's just weird to me! Two years old is def. my limit. I don't think it's right to breastfeed a child who can ask for "mommy milk" using gramatically correct and complex sentences!